Below is a list of churches located within Manitowoc County. They are listed by denomination.

If the church name is underlined, there is a history of the church available.

The cemeteries listed are those associated with the church. If no cemetery is listed for the church, check the public cemeteries for the area/township.

If you know of any churches that should be listed here, please let me know. Ellen-

For a current listing of churches as listed on the Geographic Names Information System as of November 26, 2000 click here.

Some of these churches may also have schools associated with them, click here for a listing of schools.


Kris-the Assistant Archivist Diocese of Green Bay says the following about 
researching the Catholic Church records.

Please make it as clear as you can to people that they do need to make an appointment. They can't just show up here. We'd have to turn them away and we hate that when that happens.

Our address is 1910 S. Webster Ave., Green Bay, WI 54304. We are in a large red brick building, that many people still refer to as the old Bishop's house (because it was). We are across the street from McDonald's.

For more information contact Kris at Kmatthies@gbdioc.org

ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Church of the Assumption ReedsvilleMaple Grove 
Church of the Immaculate ConceptionClark's MillsCato 
Holy CrossMishicot
Mailing Address:
423 Main St., Mishicot, WI 54228
Phone: (920) 755-2550
Mishicot62) Holy Cross I
(63) Holy Cross II
Holy Family HospitalCatholicCatholic 
Holy Innocents CatholicManitowoc
Mailing Address
1121 N. 14TH Street, , Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920) 683-0031
Holy RedeemerTwo Rivers
Mailing Address
3318 Tannery Rd., Two Rivers, WI 54241
Phone: (920) 793-1755
Two Rivers 
Holy TrinityKasson
No longer in Existence
Records at St. Mary's Brillion
Maple Grove(51) Holy Trinity Cemetery
Holy TrinitySchool HillMeeme(57) Holy Trinity Cemetery
Maternity of MaryManitowoc Rapids
No longer in existence
Manitowoc Rapids 
Sacred Heart520 North 7th Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920) 684-8692
Sacred Heart2200 Washington St.
Two Rivers, WI
Two Rivers 
Salvatorian Seminary (J.F.K. Prep)St. NazianzEaton(23) Society of the Divine Savior Cemetery
St. Andrew CatholicManitowoc
Mailing Address
1416 Grand Ave., Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920) 682-0023
St. Augustine'sReif's MillsKossuth(39) St. Augustine's Catholic Cemetery
St. BonifaceManitowoc
Mailing Address:
1110 S. 10th St., Manitowoc, WI
10th & Marshall St.
St. Anne'sFrancis Creek
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 217, Francis Creek, WI
Kossuth(38) St. Anne's Catholic Cemetery
St. CasimirNortheim
Mailing Address:
8109 Northeim Rd.,Newton
Newton(69) St. Casmir Church Cemetery
St. FidelisSpring Valley
No longer in Existence
Meeme(59) St. Fidelis Catholic Cemetery
St. GeorgeCenterville (Hika), Church no longer remains, near St. Johannes LutheranCenterville(9) St. George Catholic Cemetery
St. Gregory'sSt. Nazianz
Mailing Address:
212 Church St., St. Nazianz, WI
Eaton(20) St. Gregory Catholic Church Cemetery
St. Isidore'sOsman
10707 highway 42, Town of Newton
St. Isidore was officially closed Sunday, the 14th of January, 2001.
Meeme(60) St. Isidore Cemetery
St. James'CooperstownCooperstown(16) St. James Catholic Church Cemetery
St. Joseph'sKellnersvilleFranklin(26)St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery
St. Joseph's Catholic
Franciscan Convent
Alverno, Hwy 151 & Alverno Rd. ManitowocManitowoc Rapids(47) St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery
(46) Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Old and New Cemetery
St. Luke's Church and Convent Two Rivers-School and Convent No longer operating
1814 Jefferson St. Two Rivers, WI 54241
Two Rivers 
St. MarkTwo Rivers
2214 11th Street, Two Rivers, WI 54241
Phone: (920) 794-1717
Two Rivers 
St. Mary'sCato
Mailing Address:
15 S County Road J, Cato, WI
Cato(6) St. Mary's Cemetery
St. Mary's (Nativity of St. Mary)Tisch Mills - also
includes a history of the town
Mishicot(66) St. Mary Catholic/Tisch Mills Public/Progressive Farmers Cemetery Assn.
St. Mary'sManitowoc
Mailing Address:
1114 S. 21st. St., Manitowoc, WI
Phone: (920) 684-3558
Manitowoc43a) St. Mary's Cemetery
(48) Old St. Mary's Cemetery
St. Mary'sReedsville
Mailing Address:
613 Menasha St. Reedsville
Maple Grove(54) St. Mary's Cemetery
(77) St. Mary's Cemetery
St. Michael'sWhitelawCato(6) St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery
St. Patrick'sMaple Grove

No longer in Existence
For information
Contact St. Mary's in Reedsville
Maple Grove(55) St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery
St. Paul'sCato
No longer in Existence
Cato Moved to: St. Patrick's Maple Grove
St. PaulManitowoc
712 South 24th Street, Manitowoc, WI
Phone: (920) 684-6714
St. Peter and Paul Catholic
KielSchleswig(82) St. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery
St. Peter'sNewton
No longer in Existence
Newton(72)St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery
St. WenceslausGreenstreet
No longer in Existence
Cooperstown(18) St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church Cemetery
St. Wendel'sCleveland
701 Westview St.
Cleveland, WI 53015.
That is not a permanent address, as soon as the new church is built, the records from the other two will go there.
Centerville(13) St. Wendel's Catholic Church Cemetery


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Faith Lutheran (see below) Cato(2) Gjerpen Cemetery
Faith LutheranValders
Mailing Address:
255 Roosevelt St., Valders, WI
Liberty(41) West Valders Cemetery
First German Lutheran Society
First German Evangelical Lutheran Church
1033 S. 8th St., Manitowoc
phone: (920) 684-0101
First Norwegian Lutheran Church(later First Lutheran ChurchManitowocManitowoc 
GibsonJambo CreekGibson(27) Jambo Creek Cemetery
Grace LutheranValdersCato(3) Grace Lutheran Church Cemetery
Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Manitowoc,
916 Pine Street Manitowoc, WI 54220
phone: (920)684-3404
Norwegian LutheransManitowoc, Gjerpen, ValdersManitowocSee Faith Lutheran Below
Our Savior Lutheran ChurchValdersCato(5) Our Savior Lutheran Cemetery
Our Savior Ev. Lutheran ChurchTwo Rivers, Mailing Address: 2140 34th St., Two Rivers,
34th &: Tannery
Two Rivers 
Rockwood LutheranRockwood
Mailing Address:
5805 County Road R., Manitowoc, WI
Manitowoc Rapids 
Rosecrans LutheranRosecransCooperstown 
St. Johannes Lutheran Centerville(10) St. Johannes Lutheran Church Cemetery
St. John's Newtonburg
Mailing Address:
7531 English Lake Rd., Manitowoc
Newton(70) St. John Evangelical Church Cemetery
St. John's Two Rivers
Mailing Address:
3607 45th St., Two Rivers
Two Rivers 
St. John'sMaribel
Mailing Address:
14211 Maribel Rd., Maribel, WI
Cooperstown(17) St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Gibson, Route 1 Mishicot(30) St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery
St. John's - St. James Evangelical LutheranReedsvilleMaple Grove/Rockland(53) St. Johns - St. James Cemetery
(76) St. John's - St. James' Cemetery-Westside
St. John -St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran ChurchClevelandCenterville(10) St. John Lutheran Cemetery
St. PaulWeyer's CornersNewton(71) St. Paul Lutheran Church Cemetery
St. PaulManitowocManitowoc 
St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Mishicot
Mailing Address:
325 Randolph St., Mishicot
Mishicot(63) Mishicot Village Cemetery (aka Holy Cross Cemetery)
St. Peters Evangelical LutheranCollinsRockland(78) St. Peters Cemetery
Trinity LutheranMailing Address:
11303 Wehausen Rd, Manitowoc, WI
Liberty(40) Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery
Zion Lutheran ChurchLouis CornersSchleswig(87) Zion Lutheran Cemetery


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
German Methodist Episcopal ManitowocManitowoc 
Gibson ChurchGibsonGibson 
Maple Grove ChurchMaple GroveMaple Grove 
Methodist Episcopal Church ManitowocManitowoc 
Newton ChurchNewtonNewton(68) Newton Methodist Church Cemetery
St. James Episcopal ChurchManitowoc
434 N. 8th St.
Manitowoc, WI
St. Paul's   


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Bethel MethodistKiel,
Meggers Rd. & Town Line Rd., Kiel
Schleswig(80) Bethel Methodist/Meggers Cemetery
Emanuel United MethodistTwo Rivers,
1218 Madison St.
Two Rivers, WI
Two Rivers 
St. Paul United MethodistManitowoc
411 Reed Avenue
Manitowoc, WI
Wesley United MethodistManitowoc
908 Hamilton
Manitowoc, WI
Zion United Methodist720 Manitowoc Street, Reedsville, WI 54230
Phone: (920) 754-4838
Rockland(79) Zion U.M. Cemetery
Zion United MethodistMishicot
Records Kept at Zion Methodist Denmark
Church Address: 421 Jackson Street, Mishicot, WI 54228
Phone: (920) 793-1717


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
The First Presbyterian ChurchManitowoc
502 S. 8th St.
Manitowoc, WI
First Presbyterian ChurchEatonEaton 
First Presbyterian Church727 6th Street, Kiel, WI 53042
Phone: (414)894-2220
Hope Bohemian Presbyterian
Now called Melnick Presbyterian
MelnikGibson(29) Hope Bohemian Presbyterian Cemetery
Presbyterian ChurchCatoCato 


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Berean Baptist Church2101 Johnston Drive, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920)684-1612
First Baptist ChurchChurch No Longer RemainsKosssuth(37) Old First Baptist Church Cemetery
First Baptist Church1017 Waldo Boulevard, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920)682-1522
First Baptist Church of Kiel918 Fremont Street, Kiel, WI 53042
Phone: (920)894-7565
German Baptist Church ManitowocManitowoc 
Twin Cities Baptist Church634 North 10th Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920)682-3370


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Salem Ebenezer Reformed ChurchNewtonburg
Mailing Address:
7411 Center Rd., Manitowoc
Newton(73) Salem Ebenezer Reformed Cemetery
St. John Ebeneezer Reformed Church Church No longer RemainsCenterville(11) St. John's Ebeneezer Reformed Church Cemetery
St. John Reformed Church Centerville(12) St. John's Reformed Church Cemetery
Kiel Reformed ChurchKiel  


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Bethlehem United Church of Christ11608 Lax Chapel Road, Kiel, WI 53042
Phone: (414) 894-3332
Schleswig(81) Bethlehem U.C.C. Cemetery
Bethel United Church of ChristSheyboygan CountyCemetery in Meeme Twp.(56) Bethel U.C.C. Cemetery
Freidens United Church of ChristReedsvilleMaple Grove(50) Freidens U.C.C. Cemetery
St. James United Church of Christ ChurchSpring ValleyMeeme(61) St. James U.C.C. Cemetery
St. Marks United Church of ChristW1307 Orchard Road, Cleveland, WI 53015
Phone: (920) 377-6902


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Christian Science Church620 Park Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920) 682-1300
Triumphant Christian Church1122 Washington Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920) 682-8866


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Cornerstone Community Church2711 Wollmer Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920) 682-1581


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Assembly of God Church1455 N. Rapids Road, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: (920)684-1612
Calvary Assembly of God ChurchManitowoc, WI 54220


ChurchVillage-Contact AddressTownshipChurch Cemetery Transcriptions
Larrabee ChurchChurch No longer Remains (could be Gibson Episcopal Above)Gibson(28) Larrabee Church Cemetery
Calvary Church Manitowoc(43) Calvary Church Cemetery
Emanuel Evangelical Maple Grove(49) Emanuel Evangelical - E.U.B. Cemetery
Friedens ChurchCollinsRockland(75) Friedens Church Cemetery