PostofficeDate of EstablishmentPostmasterCurrent StatusLocation
Alverno28 April 1880 Anton Fesslerdisct. 1908 or 1909Sect. 28T19NR23EManitowoc Rapids
Axelyn17 Feb. 1917Charles P. Kolicek     
name changed to
Francis Creek
4 Aug. 1917Charles P. Kolicek still in service
Zip 54214
Sect. 14T20NR23EManitowoc Rapids
Bleser2 Oct. 1899Andrew Gerldisct. 31 July 1902
mail service from Manitowoc
Sect. 11T19NR23EManitowoc Rapids
Branch29 Sept. 1854William R. Wilkinsdisct. 20 Aug. 1868 Sect. 5T19NR23EManitowoc Rapids
  re-established1 Feb. 1869Joseph Florentinedisct. 13 Apr. 1989    
Braunfels22 July 1851Anthony McNultydisct. 28, June 28, 1854Sect. 31T20NR23EKossuth
Cato see Maple Grove      
Centre River7 Aug. 1876John Fischerdisct. 27 July 1877    
  re-established17 Sept. 1877Frank Braunreiterdisct. 20 Jan. 1879Sect. 21T17NR23ECentreville (now Centerville)
Chaunceyville22 July 1851Chauncey H. Eatondisct. 28, June 28, 1854Sect. 11T18NR21EEaton
Clark's Mills20 July 1855Thomas Cunninghamdisct. 15 Sept. 1904 with mail service from CatoSect. 28 NE 1/4T19NR22ECato
Cleveland23 Dec. 1889Adolph StoltenbergStill in service
Zip 53015
Sect. 28T17NR23ECentreville (now Centerville)
Clover11 Sept. 1897Wenzl Smazaldisct. 30 Sept 1902
papers sent to Manitowoc
Sect. 8T19NR23EManitowoc Rapids
Collins14 Mar. 1851William N. Adamsdisct. 14 Aug. 1851Sect. 27 SE 1/4T19NR21ERockland
  re-established25 Nov. 1896Emil Taubestill in service Zip 54207    
Cooperstown5 Apr. 1848Allen A. Cooperdisct. 12 Feb. 1912 with mail service
from Denmark, Brown County
Sect. 1 SE 1/4T21NR22ECooperstown
East Gibson27 Mar. 1866Daniel Wescottdisct. 15 Jan. 1903
its papers sent to Zander
Sect. 10T21NR23EGibson
Eastwin15 Feb. 1899William Zanderdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Two Rivers
Sect. 22T20NR24EMishicot
Eaton11 Jan. 1856Fridolin Gerstendisct. 28 Feb. 1902
with its papers sent to Valders
Sect. 7T18NR22ELiberty
EdwardsEst. in Sheb.Cty.
31 Aug. 1854
Edward Newhouse     
 Mvd to Manty.Cty.
24 Oct. 1881
Peter Martin Sect. 35T17NR22ELiberty
 Mvd back to Sheb.Cty.
2 Aug. 1882
Edward Newhousedisct. 31 Mar. 1902    
Eldridge20 Feb. 1867James Ferdondisct. 28 Dec. 1868Sect. 21T20NR23EKossuth
Elk28 Dec. 1868Peter F. Stokendisct. 24 July 1877Sect. 17T20NR22EFranklin
Francis Creek 125 June 1850Joseph Lamirredisct. 9 Jan. 1856    
 re-established14 Jan. 1856Gilbert W. Burnettdisct. 30 July 1858    
 re-established12 May 1859Michael Kellner     
Prag 2
3 Dec. 1866by Michael Kellner     
 re-named Kellnersville25 Oct. 1872 still in service
Zip 54215
Sect. 7T20NR23EKossuth
Francis Creek 2see Axelyn      
Gjerpen27 May 1899Nelsa Findalldisct. Sept. 15, 1904
with service from Manitowoc
Sect. 35T19NR22ECato
Greenstreet15 Nov. 1875Joseph Zelinkadisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Kellnersville
Sect 35T21NR22ECooperstown
Grimms16 Nov. 1874Peter Mulhollenddisct. 31 January 1955
with Mial service from Kaukauna
Autagamie Cty.
became Community PO
of Reedsville
1 Feb. 1955 disct. 30 June 1964Sect. 6 SE 1/4T19NR22ECato
Hamm7 July 1875Mathias Simondisct. 26 Jan. 1876Sect. 22 SE 1/4T18NR23ENewton
Hika19 Jan. 1856Charles Kaehlerdisct. 1 Sept. 1954
with mail service from Cleveland
established as a Community PO
of Cleveland
2 September 1854 disct. 30 Nov. 1964Sect. 27T17NR23ECentreville (now Centerville)
see Gjerpen
Kasson10 June 1862Henry Horndisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Brillion
Calument Cty.
Sect. 6 SE 1/4T20NR21EMaple Grove
Kellnersvillesee Francis Creek 1      
Kielsee Schleswig 1      
Kings Bridge
20 June 1870Calvin S. Vaderdisct. 29 Nov. 1872    
re-established3 Jan. 1873Frederick Kreiger26 Jan. 1880    
re-established6 July 1880Matt Schreiner     
name changed to Kingsbridge27 August 1894Baltasar Bartelmedisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Manitowoc
Sect. 7T21NR24EMishicot
Larrabee5 Feb. 1859Hezekiah Pelletdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Mishicot
Sect. 28T21NR23EGibson
Louis Corners28 Jan. 1878Louis C. Senglantdisct. 28 Feb. 1902
with its papers sent to Kiel
Sect. 14T17NR21ESchleswig
Maintoowoc Rapids14 Spet. 1936Jacob W. Conroe     
name changed to Manitowoc 120 Feb. 1838by Jacob W. Conroe     
name changed to Manitoowoc Rapids8 Apr. 1848Eleazee H. Ellis     
name changed to Manitowoc Rapids17 June 1853Frederick Borchardtdisct. 5 Sept. 1882    
re-established13 Apr. 1883Oscar M. Lindholmdisct. 9 May 1887
and its papers sent to Manitowoc
re-established24 May 1887Lorenz Spitzlbergerdisct. 6 Nov. 1889
with its papers sent to Manitowoc
Sect. 23T19NR23EManitowoc Rapids
Manitowocsee Manitoowoc 2      
Manitoowoc 1see Manitoowoc Rapids      
Manitoowoc 211 Apr. 1878Jeremiah H.W. Colby     
(sp. Change)
6 May 1853Sylvester A. Woodstill in service
Sect. 20T19NR24EManitowoc
Manitowoc Rapidssee Maintowoc Rapids      
Manitowoc Rapidssee Maintowoc Rapids      
Manns Landing (later Northeim)5 Oct. 1866Samuel Mann     
name changed to Northeim4 Jan. 1870Emil Bodedisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Timothy
Sect. 25 SW 1/4T18NR23ENewton
Maple Grove 129 July 1854Josiah N. CheneyA Post Office has been established at Maple grove(sic) and J.N. Cheny appointed Post master. The office is kept at the store of L.C. Harrington & Co. Another office is needed at Clark's mills(sic), and petitions for its establishment have been sent to the department. The rapid increase of population makes it necessary to increase mail facilities and several new offices could be established at points which would add to the convenience of the people and the income of the department. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, September 2, 1854 P. 5     
name changed to Cato24 Jan. 1870Nelson A. Harrisdisct. 26 Jan. 1992,
with mailservice from Reedsville
Sect. 4T19NR22ECato
Maple Grove 26 Jan. 1871John E. Cronindisct. 15 Sept. 1904,
with mail service from Grimms
Sect. 24T20NR21EMaple Grove
Maribel18 Aug. 1906Joseph A. Kellnerstill in service
Zip 54227
NW 1/4 of Sect. 25T21NR22ECooperstown
Meeme9 Feb. 1849Henry B. Edsondisct. 28 Feb. 1902
its papers sent to Cleveland
SW1/4 of Sect. 23T17NR22EMeeme
Meggers26 June 1886Henry Meggersdisct. 28 Feb. 1902
its papers sent to New Hostein
Calumet Cty.
NW 1/4 of Sect.6T17NR21ESchleswig
Melnik15 Mar. 1887Frederick Shimonekdisct. 15 Sept. 1904,
with mail service
from Kellnersville
Sect. 31T21NR23EGibson
Menchalville30 Mar. 1895Stephen Menchaldisct. 15 Sept.
with mail service from Grimms
SW 1/4 of Sect. 4T20NR22EFranklin
Millhome11 Nov. 1872Simon Hollensteinerdisct. 15 Sept. 1904,
with mail service from Kiel
SE 1/4 Sect. 34T17NR21ESchleswig
Mishicott11 May 1850Nathan Danielsdisct. 31 Oct. 1851    
re-established as Mishicot14 June 1854Frederic Ulrichstill in service
NW 1/4 of sect. 4T20NR24EMishicot
Mosfield29 Jan. 1863Terkel Osulsondisct. 2 Dec. 1864    
re-established4 Sept. 1865Terkel Osulsondisct. 24 Sept 1867    
re-established22 Dec. 1868E.N. Evansdisct. 30 Aug. 1869Sect. 18T18NR22ELiberty
Nerosee Two Creeks      
Neshoto13 May 1856Alvin Raymonddisct. 29 Jan. 1864    
re-established28 Dec. 1866August Schmidtdisct. 1 Sept. 1868Sect. 30T20NR24EKossuth
Newtonsee Timothy      
Newtonbergsee Newtonburgh      
Newtonburgh12 Mar. 1855Henry Meyer     
name changed to Newtonburg17 Dec. 1872Frederick Trueftnerdisct. 10 Dec. 1889
its papers sent to Alverno
re-established21 Feb. 1890Mary Koepseldisct. 28 Feb. 1902
with its papers sent to Manitowoc
Sect. 4T18NR23ENewton
Niles11 Jan. 1856William H. Nilesdisct. 5 June 1856    
re-established19 June 1857Frederick M. Boucherdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Valders
Sect. 20T18NR21EEaton
Northeimsee Manns Landing      
Oslo6 Aug. 1856Audos O. Auboldisct. 21 May 1860    
re-established24 Feb. 1869Knud Johnsruddisct. 30 July 1884
papers sent to Clarks Mills
re-established24 May 1887Simon Bremerdisct. 28 Feb. 1888
with its papers sent to Easton
re-established25 Nov. 1889Stephen T. Stephensondisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Cato
Sect. 35T19NR22ECato
Osman8 Apr. 1878Anton Walterbachdisct. 15 Sept 1904
with mail service from Cleveland
SE 1/4 Sect. 1T17NR22EMeeme
Paquette31 Dec 1858Michael Driscolldisct. 19 Aug. 1870SE 1/4 Sect. 31T20NR22EFranklin
Prag 124 June 1866Ludwig Teweles     
name changed to Francis Creek 23 Dec. 1866Joseph Chloupekdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Manitowoc
Prag 2see Francis Creek 1      
Quarry21-May-00John Mallmanndisct. 31 may 1945
with mail service from Reedsville
SE 1/4 of Sect. 36T19NR21ERockland
Rangeline5 Sept. 1881Edward Vogeldisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Two Rivers
Sect. 9T20NR25ETwo Rivers
Rapids5 Oct. 1892Adolph Kuglerdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Manitowoc
Sect. 20T19NR24EManitowoc Rapids
Reedsville13 Aug. 1862Francis Mikastill in service
Zip 54230
Sect. 35T20NR21EMaple Grove
Reif29 Mar. 1898Jacob Svacinadisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Whitelaw
Sect. 30T20NR23EKossuth
Rosecrans30 May 1863John Brussdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Cato
Sect. 21T21NR22ECooperstown
Rube4 Sept 1884Joseph Thaljammerdisct. 28 Feb. 1902
papers sent to Manitowoc
NE 1/4 Sect. 12T18NR22ELiberty
Saint Nazianz12 July 1870Louis Baumgartnerstill in service
zip 54232
NE 1.4 Sect. 25T18NR21EEaton
Saint Wendel12 Feb. 1879Peter Hoffmandisct. 28 Feb. 1902
with its papers sent to Cleveland
Sect. 29T17NR23ECenterville
Schleswig 113 Oct. 1860August Krieger     
name changed to Kiel24 Sept 1871Henry F. Belitzstill in service
zip 53042
Sect. 30T17NR21ESchleswig
Schleswig 26 Feb. 1900Henry H. Vietmeyerdisct. 28 Feb, 1902
with its papers sent to Kiel
Sect. 21T17NR21ESchleswig
School Hill20 Feb. 1882Henry Abeldisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Kiel
Sect. 19T17NR22EMeeme
Shoto13 June 1894Mathias Kirstdisct 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Manitowoc
NE 1/4 Sect. 30T20NR24EKossuth
Stark (est. in Brown Cty)23 Aug 1880Philip McMahandisct. 31 Dec. 1907
with mail service from Lark
Brown Cty.
Westside Sect. 7T21NR22ECooperstown
Steinthal21 May 1875Richard Christeldisct. 28 Feb. 1902
with its papers sent to
New Holstein
Calumet Cty.
SW 1/4 of Sect. 33T18NR21EEaton
Taus26 June 1886Joseph Zahorikdisct. 15 Sept. 1904
with mail service from Cato
Sect. 21T20NR22EFranklin
Timothy24 Feb. 1882Albert Groelle     
name changed to Newton1 Dec. 1930Herman Eberhardtstill in service
zip 53063
SE 1/4 Sect. 27T18NR23ENewton
Tisch Mills11 June 1877Joseph Stangelstill in service
zip 54240
Sect. 5T21NR24EMishicot
Two Creeks1 May 1862Duncan McMillan     
name changed to Nero13 may 1864Hugo Reissdisct. 15 Oct. 1907
with mail service from Two Rivers
SE 1/4 Sect 11T21NR25ETwo Creeks
Two Rivers10 Aug. 1848Henry A. Tefftstill in service
zip 54241
Sect. 1T189NR24ETwo Rivers
Valders11 Sept. 1897Otto G. Bergestill in service
zip 54245
Sect. 32T19NR22ECato
Wells29 June 1894Claus BenkeSect 19T19NR21ERockland 
transferred to Calumet Cty1 mar. 1898Herman C. Benkedisct. 31 May 1901
with mail service from Hayton
Calumet Cty.
SE 1/4 of Sect. 12T19NR20ERantoul
Whitelaw20 Aug. 1892Anton Ziglinskystill in service
zip 54247
Sect. 2T19NR22ECato
Zander9 Feb. 1900Helmuth Zanderdisct. 31 July 1912
with mail service from Tisch Mills
Sect. 4T21NR23EGibson