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AllenH.L.Lawyer OfficeThe Office of the undersigned will be found hereafter on Washington street, in the house formerly occupied by John Lutgen. Office open every Saturday, between the hours of 8 o'clock A.M. and 6 P.M. H.L. ALLEN Justice. December 21, 1855.Manitowoc TribuneDec. 20, 1855
AndersonA.JewellerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJanuary 15, 1856
ArmsbyF.SurveyorFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJanuary 15, 1856
BakerThomas W.Grist MillLong articleManitowoc TribuneMay 24, 1855
BatesMary A.School(Two Articles) Select School for young Ladies. Miss Mary A. Bates late a graduate of New Hampton Female Seminary, respectfully informs the citizens of Manitowoc and vicinity that she will open, a Select School (for Young Ladies only) in this village on or before the 1st day of May next. For particulars please apply in person or by letter at the National Hotel.
A select School will be opened in this village next Monday by Miss Mary A. Bates.
Manitowoc TribuneMay 31, 1855
BatesMr.ShipyardMessres. Lester & Co. are putting up a Steam Saw Mill 90 by 50 feet at Messres. Bates & Son's Ship Yard. They expect to finish the same about the middle of July.Manitowoc TribuneMay 31, 1855
BatesS. and SonShipbuilderFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJanuary 15, 1856
BranseC.SaloonFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJanuary 15, 1856
ChapmanB.A.Plymouth SaloonPlymouth Saloon (Late American House.) Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Meals can be had at all hours of the day and evening. Ice cream and other refreshments kept constantly on hand. The patronage of the citizens of Manitowoc is respectfully solicited. B.A. Chapman, Proprietor. Manitowoc, July 4th 1855.Manitowoc TribuneAug. 23, 1855
Philip Clauson has opened another establishment in Maple Grove. This is the third one started there within two years a proof that the country is growing there.Manitowoc TribuneMay 1, 1856
CoxGeo. and Co.PaintersFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJanuary 15, 1856
DoggertWardBoots and ShoesMessrs. Ward Dogget & Co. have the largest boot and shoe establishment in the city. We took the liberty of an old customer and strolled through their manufactory, where from 30 to 60 work men are constantly employed in manufacturing custom work. Mr. Hills, one of the partners, informed us that they intended to establish a reputation for furnishing good work in this manner. Their sales of imported work amount to nearly $100,000 per annum.Manitowoc TribuneAug. 23, 1855
DwyerMr.Grain mill"We Acknowledge The Maize."-The Clipper City Mills have started and yesterday we had some of the first Corn meal, ever ground in the village of Manitowoc. Mr. Dwyer has obtained the services of a competent miller and is now ready for business. The machinery works well, and with but little noise. There will in future be smaller figures in the statistics in marking the importatons of flour in Manitowoc village and County, or we are no prophets.The Daily TribuneJuly 23, 1858
Easton(not given)Chair factoryEaston has introduced a steam engine into his chair factory and now goes on the Locomotive principle.Manitowoc TribuneJan. 29, 1857
EsslingerC.StoreMr. C. Esslinger is putting up a Store on Franklin St. 60 feet deep, which will be an ornament to the Village.Manitowoc TribuneMay 31, 1855
GloverCol. P.
The foundation for a large three story building has just been completed on the corner of sixth and York Streets. It is to be entirely of brick and will be owned and occupied as a store by our ?????man Col. P. Glover. It is to be 22 feet wide and 80 deep. A spacious Hall will be fitted up in the third story for Concerts, Cotillion parties, &c (etc.), and the building will be quite an addition to the Village. We have been shown the plan, and if a ????? out, the building will be a model for other towns. Late improvments, are presented by the heavy cornice, ???? columns in front and other signs which are unmistakeable. We understand that it is the design of the proprietor to push it to completion. Mr. Abbott, is also putting up a two story frame building on Sixth Street for Col. Glover, which he proposes to fit up as a Store, to rent.Manitowoc TribuneAugust 9, 1855
GloverR.E.Livery StableFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
HemlehonWim.DruggistFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
HillS.Joiner/WheelwrightFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
KlingholzRichardBilliard SaloonRichard Klingholz has started a new Billiard Saloon in connection with his wholesale Liquor Store.Manitowoc TribuneDec. 6, 1855
LangenfeldtF.HotelFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
LenzJ.Cabinet MakerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
LesterMr.Saw MillMessres. Lester & Co. are putting up a Steam Saw Mill 90 by 50 feet at Messres. Bates & Son's Ship Yard.They expect to finish the same about the middle of July.Manitowoc TribuneMay 31, 1855
LindemuchWm.Joiner/WheelwrightFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
Loomis and HoesMil.JewellerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
McCallumJ.J.HotelMcCallum House, by J.J. McCallum, on Jay Street, Manitowoc, Wis. The public are respectfully informed that this hotel is re-opened under the superintendence of J.J. McCallum, who will be happy to receive all desiring to favor him with their patronage. Jan. 15Manitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
PerryPerry and Co.FoundryFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
PierceP.J.Lath MillA Challenge For The World-Manitowoc county not excepted.-We are informed by a friend, that a lath mill about four miles from this place owned by P.J. Pierce, Esq., manufactured 2,000 pieces of Lath (equal to 1000 ft.) in twenty-five minutes. This is certainly hard to beat, and our friend feels perfectly safe in offering to challenge the world, which he does by offering a bet of $50 that he can make, 2,000 piece of good lath; ten minutes quicker than any other lath make in Manitowoc County.'Go in, John, and squeeze lemons;' - 'fify dollars,'part in gin, part in ginger!'Manitowoc TribuneOct. 25, 1855
RahrWm.BrewerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
Mr. Rahr, who had the misfortune to lose his property by fire, has through the generosity of his German friends, been able to put up a brick building on the site of his burnt brewery, and will in a short time, be again in successful of operation.Manitowoc TribuneAugust 9, 1855
RandH. and SonShipbuilderFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
RichardsJ.FoundryEagle Foundry.-A large crowd was collected on Friday last to witness the first blast in this extensive addition to the business of our thriving town, whose rapid growth is a matter of astonishment as well as congratulation to our citizens.The first experiment was entirely successful and those present were highly gratified with the evidences of the successful enterprise of the proprietor. Mr. Richards informs us that he has at present, sixteen men employed. His engine is eight horse power, his furnace has the capacity to enable him to execute orders in his line with promptness; and he proposes to extend his business in proportion with the encouragement which he receives. His arrangements for iron finishing were not completed when we called, but the machine shop will be in full operation by the last of next week. Those interested are invited to call.Manitowoc TribuneDec. 6, 1855
RobinsonF. and T.DruggistsFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
RobinsonThos.Drug StoreMr. Thos. Robinson has taken the old stand of Messrs. Preston & Deming and is now opening a large and extensive assortment of Drugs Medicens(sic) Perfumery and Fancy articles. He is also a gratuate of the London Veterinary College. Give him a call.Manitowoc TribuneNov. 29, 1855
ShepardH.D.JewellerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
Sherman & Barber
Boots and ShoesFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
SherwoodS.B.SherwoodFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
ShoveH.A.Boots and ShoesFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
ShoveHenry A.Business FirmNotice Of Dissolution. The Copartnership previously existing between Josias B. Wright and Henry A. Shove,under the name, firm and style of "Wright & Shove," at Manitowoc, Wisconsin-is dissolved, and no longer has an existence. HENRY A. SHOVE. December 24, 1855.Manitowoc TribuneJan. 3, 1856
ShoveT.C.InsuranceFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
StarkWm.JewellerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
StewardR.H.Stage LineNew Stage Arrangement Between Sheboygan And Manitowoc Fare Reduced! On and after the 26th day of December, 1855, the undersigned will run a daily line of Stages between Sheboygan and Manitowoc, connecting with Milwaukee and Fond Du Lac (sic) stages, at Sheboygan. Extras Furnished At any time, either at Sheboygan or Manitowoc. Fare reduced to One Dollar and Fifty Cents. R.H. Steward, Manitowoc. G.W. Tyler, Sheboygan.Manitowoc TribuneJan. 3, 1856
TarbellS.C.Liquor storeFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
ToddM.J.ClothingMr. M.J. Todd, of Pontiac Michigan, has a notice in to-day's paper, to which we call attention. This is the only Clothing Store in town and those who are ragged, should not waste their time getting their clothes mended, but go to the Commercial Block, where they will be suited at a small expense. Mr. T. comes well recommended, and is only one of a host of Pontiackers who have selected Manitowoc as their future home.Manitowoc TribuneDec. 6, 1855
VettenJ. and Co.Liquor storeFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WarrenL.T.National HotelThe National Hotel situated in the flourishing village of Manitowoc. This House will be sold with the furniture new in it or without. The above premises will be sold at a low figure. Terms reasonable. Enquire of the subscriber. L.T. Warren, Assignee of E.R. Smith Manitowoc, July 10, 1855.Manitowoc TribuneApril 3, 1856
WegfarthV.Cabinet MakerFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WhitcombC.Wis. Leather Co.The Wis. Leather Co. also have a card in this paper. This company have extraordinary facilities for carrying on their extensive business and their Tannery at Two Rivers, under the charge of Mr. C. Whitcomb, is known to be one of the most extensive in the U.S.Manitowoc TribuneSept. 16, 1854
WilliamsS.HotelFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WindiateThos.Livery StableMr. Thos. Windiate has started a new Livery Stable at the barn of the American Hotel, in this place, and invites the people of Manitowoc to give him a call. No branch of business is better patronized in Manitowoc than the Livery business, and Mr. W. can confidently rely upon a sufficient amount of patronage to justify his reasonable expectations.Manitowoc TribuneOct. 18, 1855
WindiateThos.HotelFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WittmanA.DruggistFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WoodS.A.InsuranceFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WoodinC.N.SaloonFrom list of advertisers in newspaperManitowoc TribuneJan. 15, 1856
WrightJosias B.Business FirmNotice Of Dissolution. The Copartnership previously existing between Josias B. Wright and Henry A. Shove,under the name, firm and style of "Wright & Shove," at Manitowoc, Wisconsin-is dissolved, and no longer has an existence. HENRY A. SHOVE. December 24, 1855.Manitowoc TribuneJan. 3, 1856